19-21 Months

pin   19 to 21 Months

Around the time your toddler becomes 19 months old, she will start to experience what is known as a “Vocabulary Explosion.” A Vocabulary Explosion is a phenomenon where a child’s vocabulary remarkably expands. Oftentimes, children during this period need to hear the word for an everyday item only once in order to learn it, resulting in an enormous increase in vocabulary. For instance during this period, although the pronunciation may still not be perfect, there are children who are able to speak between 20 and 50 words. Additionally, the amount of words that can be understood through listening is said to be a few times more than that of the spoken vocabulary. Not only will your child memorize words separately, but she will now be able to combine two or more words and start approaching sentential expressions.

Milestones: 19-21 Months

  • Your child begins to point to the correct object in a picture book and other resources when an item’s name is said.
  • Your child can make demands for things she wants through words and/or gestures.
  • Your child understands 1 or 2 body parts.
  • Your child can combine two words to form an expression. (e.g. “My toy,” “More milk”)

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